WHO Poll

Wilko Johnson 2:14 Mon Aug 23
Re: Worst British accents in films TV etc.
Sean Bean in Essex Boys.

One that was bad but I found entertaining and funny was the Geordie Tim Healy playing a West Londoner in Boys From The Bush.

Lee Trundle 2:12 Mon Aug 23
Re: Worst British accents in films TV etc.
Keanu Reeves in Dracula.

BRANDED 2:07 Mon Aug 23
Re: Worst British accents in films TV etc.
Don Cheadle Oceans Eleven


13 Brentford Rd 2:06 Mon Aug 23
Re: Worst British accents in films TV etc.
The top WH boy in Green St!

Side of Ham 2:04 Mon Aug 23
Re: Worst British accents in films TV etc.
Daphne Moon's brother in Frasier, she was a broad spoken Manc and he played his role with a London accent and not a very good one either.

Lily Hammer 1:56 Mon Aug 23
Re: Worst British accents in films TV etc.
Ray Winstone has played a few septics who sound like they spent some of their youth on the Chicken Run.

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